Friday, 19 March 2021

STO configuration with GST ( Interview Q & A )

 STO Process with GST( Changes after GST in India ).

There are multiple process in STO. Here, We are sharing the process of Stock Transfer Order with Delivery via Shipping after GST includes basic configuration settings.

Important Note:-

For Intra state STO transaction with same GST identification number, no GST is applicable. And for Intrastate with different GST identification number or Interstate STO transaction, GST is applicable.

STO Configuration for GST:

1. Define Shipping Data for Plants
2. Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule
3. Assign Document Type,  One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance
4. Define New Billing Type for Outbound Invoice
5. SD Pricing Procedure for STO Billing Document
6. Copy Control of Delivery to Billing
7. Classify SD Condition Type
8. Classify MM Condition Type
9. Maintenance of Business Place wise GL Determination

STO Process step by step:

1. Create Customer Master for Receiving Plant(T. Code –XD01)
2. Create Vendor Master  for Supplying Plant (T. Code – XK01)
3. Extend Sales Views of Material Master in Receiving Plant (T. Code – MM01)
4. Create Info Record (T. Code – ME11)
5. Create Stock Transfer Order (T. Code - ME21N)
6. Create Outbound Delivery and Post Goods Issue (T. Code – VL10B and VL02N)
7. Create GST Outbound Invoice (T. Code – VF01)
8. Post Goods Receipt (T. Code – MIGO)
9. Create GST Inbound Invoice (T. Code – J_1IG_INV)

Account entreis:-

While doing PGI ( Post goods Issue) A/C entry:- T-code:- VL02N

Accounting Entries:
Receiving Plant RM Stock A/C Dr.
Supplying Plant RM Stock A/C Cr.

While Creating Billing A/C entry:- T-code :- VF01

Accounting Entries:
Inter Plant Sales A/C  Dr. (This is Inter Plant Customer (Receiving) A/c)
GST Control A/C Cr.( Our Assumption is it will be in the nature of Balance Sheet A/c)
IGST / CGST/ SGST Payable A/C       Cr.

While Creating Invoice Verification T-code:- J_1IG_INV:-

Accounting Entries:
GST Control A/C        Dr. .( Our Assumption is it will be in the nature of Balance Sheet A/c)
IGST Input   A/C        Dr.
Inter Plant Sales A/C Cr.(This is Inter Plant vendor (Supplying) A/c).

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